What is the purpose of this site?

My Funeral Wishes is a secure, inexpensive and easily accessible online platform for recording detailed plans and instructions for your funeral, and how you’d like to be remembered and celebrated on your passing

You can also save important administrative information about your day-to-day life, so you can live with peace of mind knowing everything is in order and your Key Holders will have easy access to all they need to finalise your affairs

Doesn’t my will cover this?

A will is a legally required document that primarily deals with the distribution of major assets and guardianship of children. It is not generally read until after the funeral, and doesn’t typically record the finer details of your life and personal effects

With My Funeral Wishes you can record:

  • where your will can be found, eg. in a file at home, with your lawyer (and their contact details), or upload a copy into your account

  • detailed instructions about your special belongings, and who you want to have them

  • who will look after your pets, and any provisions you've made for this

  • and more…

I don’t have a will, do I really need one?

If you die without a will, it means you have died ‘intestate.’ When this happens, intestacy laws will determine how your property is distributed upon your death. This includes any bank accounts, securities, real estate, and other assets you own at the time of death. Further complications can arise if your children are minors, as the court will appoint a representative to look after their interests

How private is this site?

Your account is very secure and cannot be accessed by outside parties. You are allocated a membership ID and you choose your own password. You, and your Key Holders after your death, are the only people who have access to your information

Is my information stored securely?

All information recorded with My Funeral Wishes is password protected and sent through 256-bit encryption and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates. All data is stored remotely on servers with Amazon Web Services, which the many governments also trust to secure their information.

Will my contact information be kept private?

My Funeral Wishes will never sell or share your contact details with advertisers or any other third party

Where do I find my membership ID?

Upon becoming a Member you will be emailed a new account confirmation link, along with a system-generated membership ID. If you can’t find this email, try checking spam/junk folders and add @myfuneralwishes.net to your safe senders list. If you are still having trouble you we can resend your membership ID to your email address Email my membership ID

I created an account but I can’t log in

It is possible you didn’t confirm your email address via the new account link that was sent to you when you signed up. If you can’t find this email, check spam/junk folders and add @myfuneralwishes.net to your safe senders list. If you’re still having trouble, please contact us

Do other people (on my computer) have access to my account?

Just like internet banking, your membership ID and password are unique to you. If you do not want other people who use your computer to access your account, do not click ‘remember me on this computer’ when you log in. Our system will automatically log you out of your account after 10 minutes of inactivity, however we recomend to always press the logout button on the menu before leaving the site or your computer

What if I share an email with someone else?

Your email needs to be unqiue for each account. Each have their own email address. If this becomes a problem you can ask us to add this feature in the future.

Our Swipe payment gateway system uses email addresses as unique identifiers, so if the person you share an email with already has an account with My Funeral Wishes, their details will initially be prepopulated on the payment form when you pay your first access fee. However, these details are overwritten with your own and separate payment contracts are then held with Swipe

What if I want to change any details I’ve initially recorded?

You can access, update and add information at any time, as often as you like, provided your account is paid up. We will also send you periodic emails and prompts to revisit your account, as a reminder to keep your information up to date

Do I have to complete every section?

We have designed My Funeral Wishes to be as simple or as comprehensive as you’d like it to be. You can complete as much or as little of the site information as you prefer

How long will my information remain on the site after I die?

Your information will remain in the system, and Key Holders will have access to it, for 12 months after your death

What are Key Holders?

Detailed information about Key Holders, their role, how they gain access to your information when you die, and more can be found here

Where do Key Holders find their membership ID?

Your selected Key Holders will be emailed an invitation/confirmation link, along with a system-generated membership ID. If a Key Holder can’t find this email, they should check their spam/junk folders and add @myfuneralwishes.net to their safe senders list

Can I change my Key Holders?

You can change any or all of your Key Holders at any time, as often as you like, provided your account is paid up. When you remove a Key Holder from your account, their membership ID is automatically deleted from the system and they will not be able to sign in to My Funeral Wishes

What if a Key Holder changes email address?

Key Holders can log in and update their details at any time. Members can also update their Key Holders details from within their account

What if my Key Holders attempt to access my information before I die?

An email will be sent to your stored email address to let you know that someone has tried to download your information. You can stop this request, then decide to remove them from your account and select new Key Holders

What if I haven’t paid my subscription?

Your account will remain active for up to 90 days if payment of your access fee is not made by the due date, but you will not be able to log in to it. Should you die while your access fee remains overdue for payment, your Key Holders will not have access to your information. If your account remains unpaid after 90 days, all your information will be deleted and will not be retrievable. A reminder will be sent if payment isn’t received by the due date; and again prior to the end of the 90-day suspension period

What happens to my information if My Funeral Wishes closes?

We intend that My Funeral Wishes will always remain active and operational. However, if for any reason the site needs to be deactivated we will advise account holders well in advance, so you can download all your stored information

How do I cancel my account?

Go to the Cancel Account page and enter your membership ID and password. An email will be sent to your stored email address requesting confirmation of this action. Cancelling your account means all your stored information will be permanently deleted and cannot be retrieved