My Funeral Wishes helps people organise their final wishes in an easy-to-use online system where friends and family (Key Holders) can access your arrangements when needed.

There's no need to worry about how your loved ones will handle the arrangements after you're gone – they'll know exactly what to do! Using our simple cloud platform, create a personal account and the system will notify your trusted Key Holders that you have appointed them this responsibilty. All the important information you enter will remain private and secure and ready when your family needs it.

From the founders


Andrew Ball
Founder & Director

“A universal problem exists after a person’s unexpected passing. It’s an emotional and turbulent time, but it can be doubly so for the people left to sort everything out and make all of the necessary arrangements. Death is also an uncomfortable topic that we don’t want to think or talk about. We like the idea of being organised and leaving details of all that will be needed if we die suddenly, but we never take action or responsibility, and we probably never have a serious, detailed conversation about it with anyone.

When you pass away, many decisions will have to be made, and your loved ones will need to find out a lot of information quickly. But you won’t be here to help or provide answers to their questions. Firstly, there are all the decisions that need to be made about your funeral, wake and burial. Old friends need to be contacted. Your Will needs to be found (if there is one). Then there’s finding all the accounts that need closing, personal belongings to be distributed, government departments to be told (tax and social services), pets left behind that need to be looked after, and there is probably a ton of stuff you want your family to remember about your life, your greatest moments, your achievements and much more. It will simply be impossible for someone to know all the details or to know what to do, and a Will leaves very little detail.

I set myself a goal to make this fun and easy for both young and old people. Let’s not ignore the fact that this is something that is going to happen to everyone, it’s just a matter of when. I wanted to make it flexible to change and update anything, and it had to be easy to find when it is finally needed. I also wanted to take away the awkwardness of having a detailed conversation on the topic, and best of all, make this service affordable for all.

The solution was to bring in technology, and we have spent years developing our bespoke system. Each section helps you think about what information needs to be available after you have gone, what questions could be asked, and what other details about you and your life that you want remembered. Your information is kept secure and private to you, and will be accessed by at least two trusted people (Key Holders) after you die. You don’t need to have a detailed conversation about death, and all the information your loved ones need to know and find out will be available when the time comes.”



Michelle Ball

“The feelings of grief can be overwhelming to navigate. You want your loved one's final wishes respected, but you don't know how or where they should go when making decisions on behalf them- especially if it is hard for yourself as well!

Since I was working in the insurance industry, I was able to understand this even better.

I wanted something that would make the process easier - with no more difficult choices left up in air. There are a lot of variables involved like whether they want some specific events organised in a certain way or whether someone has specific religious beliefs about rituals. We realised this would be so helpful if we had an online system, where one can record everything about their final wishes, funeral, Will, and so on. The Key holders will get access to it after they confirm the demise of the person.”